"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

11 months

In 3 weeks and 3 days,
Allie will be a year old.

Time really does go by faster the older you get -
or, at least, for me it feels that way.
And I don't like it!

Allie is all over the place!
She is into everything, and Jake is finally getting a dose of his own medicine.
He no longer asks to go in brother's room to play with brother's things -
he wants to go in there to have privacy while playing with his own toys.
Allie loves her Jakey (and brother, too) and is always up in his business.
She wants what he has - sippy cup, star wars toys, hot wheels...whatever.
She lives for "acterbating and boddering" Jake.
(That's "aggravating and bothering" for those of you who don't speak Jake-a-nese.)
She's just like Jake was to Austin at this age...
Allie can't quite wear a bow yet, but do you see what I see?
A curl!!
Her hair swoops to the right in the back and there's usually a little curl on that side.
It's my favorite thing right now.
Allie loves being outside.
It's going to be a fun summer chasing two toddlers around the yard.

Wait! Did I really just say that?!
TWO toddlers!
That makes me sad - my babies aren't babies anymore.
She likes to pick flowers.....then try to eat them.
WARNING: If you take away a flower that she's trying to eat, she will cry.
But, she also likes to give us things now and sometimes she will
voluntarily give you the flowers she picks.

Three weeks ago, she started cutting teeth #3 and 4.
(Top right on 3/1 and top left on 3/2 - that's for my records. Sorry)

She will eat anything you put in front of her, and loves to say "mmmmm" while she's eating.
She jabbers all the time.
She sings "E-I-E-I-Oh", and sometimes she'll do it on cue after we start with "Ole McDonald had a farm".
She babbles "mama" and "dada" all day, but I don't think she's really associating the words with us yet.
She waves and says "bye-bye", but it sounds like "da-da" - maybe because we wave "bye-bye to daddy" every morning????

I'm sure it won't be long before she really starts talking.
I'm afraid we'll be in trouble then -
she's already kinda sassy....

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Beautiful girl!! I know you are so proud~~~