"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Talk This Way - an update

Allie is 18 (and a half) months now,
and talking up a storm!
Daily, she's saying new words.
Yes, I said words - plural.
For the past two weeks or more,
she's added 2 or more to her vocabulary each day!

Call me biased, but I think she's pretty smart! :)

Here are a few things she started saying recently:

ni ni - night night
i dit chew - i'm gonna get you
jew - juice
i own - i want
dat - that
(We hear "I own dat" quite often)
gaagee - glasses
op - top
ow - out
ha - hat
daw - dog
(Every animal is a dog that says "hee-haw")
moo - moon, move (they sound slightly different)
memaw - mamaw
babaw - grandpaw
di dawg - Big Dog
day - Jake
uh yu you - I love you
bapple - apple
nana - banana
boo - boo, when playing peek-a-boo
be (short e) - bed
be (long e) - blankie
aww wee - lovie (a little burp cloth she carries)
no - no, nose
air - hair
tee - teeth, toothbrush
er - ear
be-e (short e, then long) - belly
(If she sees anyone getting dressed, she HAS to touch their belly.)
ba-e - potty
(And, she goes to the potty quite often! Yay!)
boo-boo - she points to her knee or head when saying this.
She recently had a bo-bo on her knee and Jake had one on his head.
goo-key - cookie
ne up - clean up
nack - snack
gar - car
e bain - airplane
dowl - cold
ha - hot, yuck
owin - orange
ne - dance
gah-ger - cracker
geeze - cheese (for cheese of any kind and when she sees the camera)

The list could be twice this long, but these are the more recent and most frequently used.

Anyone that is going to be around her in the near future should
probably study this list.
I'm pretty sure Allie will test you.
She also likes to sing.
She can sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' like nobody's business!
I've been trying to get it on video, but she's a bit camera shy.
She's getting pretty good at her 'ABCs' and 'Ba-Ba Black Sheep'.
And, she sings along with 'Thomas the Train'.
Hopefully, she won't become as obsessed with Thomas as Jake is...

Allie continues to be a not-so-good sleeper,
but she's a great helper.
She loves to clean up her toys, take clothes to the laundry,
unload the dishwasher.
She even attempted to put clothes on hangers yesterday!
They didn't stay, but she saw the hangers and pile of clothes
and knew what needed to be done.
I'm pretty sure she won't be willing to do these things in 10 years
when I'm wanting her to tho.
Oh well. It's cute to watch now.

While going thru some baby clothes yesterday,
I found a dress that Allie wore last Fall.

Aren't those arms and that (nearly) bald head just the cutest!
Allie has grown a good bit since these pictures were taken 1 year, 1 week and 1 day ago.
But, the dress looked like it would still fit her....
And it does! I'm so glad we'll get another season out of this $3 consignment shop find!
Still just as cute, huh?
And she's (almost) to the point of needing a barrette at all time.
Time to stock up on BIG bows! HA!
While I was setting up the pumpkins,
this is what Allie was doing....
That's her baby doll stroller, Jake's bike helmet and Austin's football.
And that's her personalty - from girly girl to tom boy in a split second.
(The sun was BRIGHT and right on top of us - this would have been a great pic, otherwise.)

And, after the pumpkin pics
she went straight to dirtin'!

She is her brother's sister, that's for sure!

(My apologies for the long post, but this was more for my documentation.)

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