"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School

It's 'Back to School' time
and back to (somewhat of) a schedule.

Austin stared 8th grade last week.
Eighth grade!!
That just sounds crazy!

He does great in school,
but doesn't like school.
The only thing he's excited about is the Band trip in April....

Jake, on the other hand, was super excited about starting a new school today!
But not so much about taking a picture.

Jake went to "school" last year, but it was really just play time.
Terry and I decided he needed more structure
and some actual learning time.
So, this school year, he's going to pre-K3 at a local church.

The first day was a success!
He's already learned his weekly Bible verse.
"God made airytang an iiiiit waaaaas GREAT!"

"And God saw all that he had made and it was very good."
Gen 1:31
I thought he might be more excited about a picture once we made it to school...
apparently not.

Turns out, no one was interested in taking pictures.
Cousin Riann is going to school with Jake this year.
She didn't want her picture taken either,
but she did at least look at the camera.

Austin has some tough classes this year that will require a little
more time from both of us at home,
and Jake will have a little bit of "homework" too.
It's sure to be a fun school year!

Oh, and if anyone is wondering....
During my 2 mile walk (yay, me!) after dropping Jake off this morning,
it hit me that I didn't cry when I dropped him off!
Dropping Allie off for her 1st day of "school" in 3 weeks is sure to be a different story.....

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