"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone

Sunday, July 24, 2011

15 months

I know it's been a while (3 months?) since I've done a monthly post on Allie.
She's doing so much these days, so I decided it was past time to update.
I don't scrapbook (I wish I did), so this is the only way I have to keep up with
and remember things.

Allie has become such a "big girl".
And we're really starting to see alot of the differences in raising a girl.
We knew there would be (the obvious) differences,
but she's just such a.... well, a girl!
(But she still plays with trucks.)
Allie is very affectionate.
She will give kisses on command, and often she'll do it on her own.
Jake goes down for afternoon nap before Allie, and when she sees me getting
his mat ready she comes to his room to give him a kiss.
It really is the sweetest thing - and Jake loves it!
He will let me know if she forgets!

She loves to clean up!
She can make a mean mess,
but when we say the words, she's a cleanin' machine!
When she hears me open the dishwasher, she comes running.
She thinks she's the only one that can unload the silverware.
She hands me each one - one. at. a. time. - and says,
"heeeee-eeerrr", with each piece she hands me.
Allie-ese consists of about 6 words right now:

when she's handing you something and sometimes when she wants what you have.
said when she drops (and sometimes throws) something. this was her first word - jake's too.
na, no, noooo:
she understands ALOT and will quite often respond with "no" when we ask her questions.
this is what we call my mom, but she's never said it to her. she just started saying it a few weeks ago and says it at the most random times.

She can sign "more" - not properly, but we know what it means.

Also, today, she responded with, "bees", when I told her to say please.
And I heard her say, "daw-daw", when I told Jake that today was Big Dog's birthday.
(Happy Birthday Big Dog!)

Allie is about this close to really talking.
And we have to be careful of the things we say,
because she understands about 80% of it.
FYI - if you don't want to go outside, don't say the word "out"!
She will be standing at the door screaming before you know it!
And sitting still?
You can pretty much forget it unless she's strapped down.

That's the reason that lots of pictures of her are slightly
out of focus these days.
She is such a bundle of energy -
and still a very happy baby...for the most part.

I just can't believe how big she's getting!
Here she is the day after she was born...
And here she is, 15 months later, in the same gown...

And her feet,
they're still just the cutest little feet in the world!

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