"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone

Monday, October 25, 2010

6 months

Allie, you were in the 50th percentile for all measurements at your check-up last week.
16 lbs
25.5 inches

You're getting to be such a big girl!
You're "eating" three times a day now and will eat anything I offer you.
(You've even had a taste of lemon and pickle without making the slightest "sour" face.)
I hope you continue to be as good an eater as your brothers.

You have started moving and playing more and more over the past month.
You're a pro at sitting - you can sit up from "crawling position" on your own and get back down (most of the time) without tipping backwards.
This is you "practicing", but as of this past Saturday (Oct. 23rd), you are officially crawling!

I might be slightly biased, but I still think you're the cutest baby girl in the world.

You've been doing this move for well over a month now, and are able to stand up briefly (while holding on to something). Once you build up some upper body strength I know you'll be pulling up on everything!

And Lord help us! You're turning into you're Daddy already!
You love playing on the computer.

We had a little "photo shoot" yesterday, but you were in need of a nap and wouldn't smile.
I think we got some cute shots anyway.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

half a year already?! wow! love the punkin shots :)